BUT, lo and behold, I am back!
So, lets start with the awesome visit with my family two weekends ago.
I never get to see my family. They are six hours away and we never seem to make it to each other because of jobs and finances. But two weeks ago, they were actually able to come up! Mama and my brother, Jason, had been up before, but this was daddy's first time seeing Taylor and I's home. They came up Thursday evening and they left Sunday morning. We were able to do a lot of awesome things together :)
The first thing we did after they got settled into their rooms was walk around the lake. Mom had only seen the lake and none of them had walked around it before. It is so beautiful and they loved it.
Then they came over to see the house and we cooked dinner together. It was quite de-lish!
The next day, I spent the morning with Mama while the boys slept and Taylor was at work. We had coffee together by the lake and I showed her the bookstore. The weather was nice and she loved the scenery.
That afternoon we went over to Taylor's parent's house for dinner. It was so nice to have our families in the same place. That rarely happens.

Saturday was awesome. Mom, Taylor and I went to Barber's Orchard, a local fruit stand and bakery. They had Honeycrisp apples which are my all-time favorite :) We got so many apples for super cheap, and some really yummy baked goods.

After that, we walked the lake again and then went to my favorite restaurant for an early dinner and then hung out at our house again. It was their last night in town, so I'm glad we were able to fit all of that into one day.
The trip was way too short, but it was fantastic and I am so glad they were able to come!
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