God in Heaven, I come to You today in need of help. My Spirit is down-cast and weary. I need Your strength and Your help to overcome the Evil One. Please guard and guide my heart, mind, spirit, tongue and paths. Please help me not to sin against You.
Father in Heaven, I ask that You will please give me wisdom, knowledge and discernment to know the truth about the things that plague me, and to know the difference between truth and lie. Open my eyes, ears and heart to Your truth and Your voice, God in Heaven. Help me not to twist, misinterpret, misapply, or make anything into anything its not, in any way, shape, or form; in anything, at anytime, or in any way. Help me not to do that with Your Holy Word, God in Heaven, or with Your voice, Your will, Your truth, with anything in life that plagues me, nor with anything else in life either. Please help me to know the difference, know the truth, and accept, believe, act and obey accordingly in all things, always and no matter what, God in Heaven. Thank You.
Fill me with faith and trust in You for all that I've asked and prayed, and for everything in life.
Be with all the prayer requests, please protect everyone and keep them safe, and please take care of and do for me all that I always ask,pray, have on my heart and mind, and desire for You to help me with and do for me, God in Heaven, all in general, all specifically, and in all the ways and in every detail that are always on my heart and mind, God in Heaven. You know every detail God. Please take care of every detail that I need help with and have on my heart and mind.
Forgive my sins and purify me each moment of every day. Thank You, Father God in Heaven.
Guard me in every way I need it.
With faith in You, and in Jesus' name, God in Heaven, amen.
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