Good morning, all! Sometimes, I like to type out prayers. It helps me not ramble as much, helps me focus, and I hope it helps others. So this is my prayer for the day. I pray it for myself, but it can apply to all God's children.
God in Heaven,
Thank You so much for this beautiful day off. I thank You for my husband, the roof over my head, the food we have, the jobs we have, and the way You provide for us.
Thank You fr never giving up on us. Thank You for Your salvation, Your mercy, and that nothing, not even our own stupidity, can separate us from You love, Father God.
I pray that You will be with all the prayer requests. Namely my family and friends in all their needs, but also for all people, as everyone has deep need in different ways.
I pray that You will take care of everything on my heart and mind that I deal with and desire for You to help me with and do for me, in all the ways that I always desire and ask, God in Heaven. Do this for all Your children. We all have "unspokens".
God in Heaven, I ask and pray that You with help us know and do Your will in all things, at all times, and in every way, always and no matter what.
Help us to know Your truth, Your will, Your voice, and whats of and from You, God in Heaven, and never misinterpret, twist or misapply those things or Your scripture either, God in Heaven. Help us never to think You are speaking something that You are not, Father God. Help us never get Your voice or Your truth or Your will or Your leading mixed up with the voice and things of the Enemy, God in Heaven. Help us know the difference and know Your voice and truth fully and clearly, and then act, believe, and obey accordingly. Please do this for Your children constantly, everyday, in all things. We need it.
Help us to glorify You in all we say and do. Help that be our goal. Help us let go of our will, our ways, our desires; help us lay them at Your feet, deny ourselves, and take up our cross. Help us know what that means every single day. Help us to always see what is the "most glorifying to You" next step in life each day, and help us to take it without hesitation and with joy, Dear Heavenly Father. Show us what this means and help us to desire that above all us. Help us to keep our priorities straight. Help us to put everything in its proper place, below You, God. And help us see and remove idols from our lives. Help us to cast out all the idols that need casting out, and reform and correct those idols that just need to be put in the right priority spot in our lives. And help us to know the difference between the two. Help us to know which things in our lives are one and which are the other. Help us never to get rid of things we should keep and help us never to hold on to and keep the things which we should let go of; and help us know and accept the difference between the two. Thank You, God in Heaven.
God, help our faith and trust in You to be without borders. Repair us so that that happens. Forgive our doubt, our lack of faith. Help us to trust You in and for everything that we should, in every way that we should. Help us to know what is biblical and what is not, and live by Your truth, Your word, God in Heaven. Help us not to accept things that are not in that category, God in Heaven; and not become slaves to falsehood.
Forgive my sins, all against You. Purify me and correct me. I'm sorry.
God in Heaven, I pray that You will protect my husband and my family throughout the day and draw us all closer to You as well.
I ask and pray all of this in Jesus' name, with faith in You, (as You continually help me and fill me with that faith) God in Heaven, thank You. Amen.
PS- I typically enjoy a cup of coffee when I pray. I pray all throughout the day, but my morning prayer usually includes relaxing in my favorite chair with a cup of sweet, creamy coffee :)
Have a great day! I hope I was able to encourage someone today!
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